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low-rent housing中文是什么意思

用"low-rent housing"造句"low-rent housing"怎么读"low-rent housing" in a sentence


  • 廉租房
  • 廉租屋


  • Low - rent house - real choice for help to the urban vulnerable groups in house needs
  • We will increase fiscal and tax policy support and set up a sound system of low - rent housing
  • I ' d like to apply for a two - bedroom apartment a low - rent house provided by the university
  • We will improve the low - rent housing system and speed up resolution of the housing difficulties of low - income families in urban areas
  • According to official figures , low - rent housing was available in 291 cities at or above the prefecture level as of last year
  • Premier wen jiabao pledged at the national people ' s congress in march to provide more money to support low - rent housing and increase the availability of affordable housing
  • In this background , the low - rent housing system emerges as the times required . in low - rent housing system , it is most important to choose the appropriate low - rent housing accommodate mode
  • Premier wen jiabao pledged at the national people ' s congress in march to provide more money to support [ b ] [ color = olive ] low - rent housing [ / color ] [ / b ] and increase the availability of affordable housing
  • The guaranteed policy system of public house includes economically affordable house and low - rent house , but there are some problems in it , for example , the policy coverage is limited , the policy cannot join housing accumulation fund system , and so on
  • In this thesis , we research the accommodate mode of international and national low - rent housing system firstly . then in this basis , we reasonable classify the low - rent housing accommodate mode , and bring forward six sort of low - rent housing accommodate mode
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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